Monday, October 20, 2008

Ah yeah...

Sometimes in life you've just gotta be like "ah yeah".

Imagine your life being a pie chart. A big circly fucker, divided up into... em... divisions. Slices. Ah, slices because it's a pie. Oh. Anyway, my life has one big fucker of a slice in it nowadays, and it's called "ah yeah". It's def over 50% of the pie, but I think it might even be somewhere between 80 -99%. And 1% for everything else. I've found myself saying "ah yeah" LOADS recently, because it had become such a great method of not letting things get to you in Starbucks. But it can also deal with pretty much any situation you find yourself in, I've noticed. When I'm on thil and people say "Hi, can I've a tall latte to go?" - "Ah yeah". When someone asks me something about the food which I don't know about (which happens really rarely because I'm class at my job and I know pretty much everything) - "Ah yeah". But yeah, dealing with shitty customers has become a lot more fun now, what with the AYF (The Ah Yeah Factor). Some slut came up to the till the other day and ordered a medium skinnyccino. I FUCKING HATE WHEN PEOPLE SAY SKINNYCCINO. It's a non fat cappuccino, it's not that hard to say, and you don't sound like a johnnyer when you say it. Unless you ask for a non fat hot chocolate or some shit. But yeah, I was on bar so I made the drink. Said my "Now miss, grande non fat cappuccino, enjoy" bit and she was like "Eh, I asked for a medium skinnyccino..." like I was a fucking moron for getting her drink wrong. For people not following, I made it right, I just called it like it should be called. Like the way it says on the menu. The correct way. So I go "Yeah, grande non fat cappuccino, there you are" and she was like "But I ASKED for a skinnyccino...". Absolutely shocked at this stage, I am. I've said non fat twice to her, and she still doesn't get it. So I just go "Ah yeah" and make the next drink. I noticed that she was looking at me for like a good ten seconds before it all sank in, and then left. Sometimes in life you've just gotta be like "ah yeah".


Jabberwocky said...

Aww man. I hated that about Starbucks. People coming in asking you for drinks using retarded words and then acting like you were a prick if you corrected them. What the fuck kind of a name for a drink is "skinnyccino" anyway.

niamh said...

haha i just randomly came across your blog but this is gas