It's a really nice getaway from the dickhead customers and just general business (as in it being busy, not a company type business) of the store, and I'm really fast at it so I get to spend loads of time just arsing around in the back. The new stores sanitizer isn't as big or powerful as the one in Malahide that made me hate washing up, so the mugs and plates don't come out that hot anymore which is sweet. I also found this:
I don't know how the fuck that actually happened and went unnoticed, but it ruled so I took it home. I also spent pretty much most of my day looking for other mugs like that. None. And if you don't believe me about the logo being backwards, just look at the posters behind it. It's not a mirrored image, someone just fucked up. I've been in a great mood pretty much non stop since I've found it, too! Suck it, customers.
I want an upside down logo mug.
The antibucks.
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