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Totally forgot to blog about this. This is also a very monumental entry. It will have PICTURES!
Right, so on the 4th of this month we opened a second store. I took a good few photos on my phone because I was like "Hey! This store sure will rule! Guy!" etc. Anyway, it's like 4 times the size of the one I was working in above Hughes & Hughes and it's all new and shit.
Picture time.

As you can see, there's no manual / auto buttons for the steaming wand (the bit that makes the milk hot), there's A FUCKING LEVER!!! You pull it down halfway for manual heating, and all the way for auto. Auto means it stops at 70 degrees celsius so it doesn't burn the tongue off you. It's like I'm flying a fucking plane and it rules. There's also a screen on the machine to tell you how hot the milk / wand is, so we don't have to use the thermometers anymore! WAHEY! And beside the screen we've got a + and - button for extra hot drinks, or not so hot drinks! There's also buttons to pour 1, 2, 3, or 4 shots of esspresso. The 1 and 3 don't work yet but it's still class. Also, the steaming wands don't have to be cleaned at night because they're covered in a plastic yoke that stops milk residue scum from building up! They've really thought of it all!
We've also got new coffee bean hoppers. Check it out. It's like a big fucking BOWL! And then there's a small little column in it for decaf, but it's only little because we only sell a little amount of decaf! Brillo!!!! Here we have our decaf buttons and our Halfcaf buttons. Then we have our power, stop, continue, clear, rinse, [something I can't remember], ristretto, and long buttons. We can't use the ristretto or long ones until every Starbucks in Ireland has these machines though! Worst buzz!

So we've got 50s style diner booths and we've also got seats resting against the back of the condiment bar! FUCK!!!
And a shit tonne of couchy ones, too! The floorplan for this is ridiculous, by the way.

Delish. I haven't seen shelves like that since July or some shit. Class.
This lad's probly gonna be my supervisor. Fuck my life.
You're having a LOL and wrecking my buzz.
And here's the most metal picture you've ever seen in your life. Mark Anthony Coleman and Conor Miggan. Mig actually broke through that roof. For real.
I'll post my feelings on the new store soon.
"This lad's probly gonna be my supervisor. Fuck my life."
Holy fucking tits, that store looks mental. Wow.
You have no idea how lucky you look to me right now. i could practically swap my fucking coffee-banned-thanks-to-mum life with you right now. T-T
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